"select BZGX_ID as ID, BZGX_CODE as CODE,CONCAT(BZGX_NAME,'--',isnull(GZZX_NAME,'')) as NAME from BZGX left join GZZX on GZZX_ID = BZGX_GZZXID where isnull(BZGX_TYBZ,'N')='N' order by BZGX_CODE","",""),
"select BZGX_ID as ID, BZGX_CODE as CODE,CONCAT(BZGX_NAME,'--',isnull(GZZX_NAME,'')) as NAME from BZGX left join GZZX on GZZX_ID = BZGX_GZZXID where isnull(BZGX_TYBZ,'N')='N' order by BZGX_CODE","",""),
"select BZGX_ID as ID, BZGX_CODE as CODE,CONCAT(BZGX_NAME,'--',isnull(GZZX_NAME,'')) as NAME from BZGX left join GZZX on GZZX_ID = BZGX_GZZXID where isnull(BZGX_TYBZ,'N')='N' order by BZGX_CODE","",""),
"select BZGX_ID as ID, BZGX_CODE as CODE,CONCAT(BZGX_NAME,'--',isnull(GZZX_NAME,'')) as NAME from BZGX left join GZZX on GZZX_ID = BZGX_GZZXID where isnull(BZGX_TYBZ,'N')='N' order by BZGX_CODE","",""),
"select BZGX_ID as ID, BZGX_CODE as CODE,CONCAT(BZGX_NAME,'--',isnull(GZZX_NAME,'')) as NAME from BZGX left join GZZX on GZZX_ID = BZGX_GZZXID where isnull(BZGX_TYBZ,'N')='N' and BZGX_GXLX = 'JY' order by BZGX_CODE","",""),
"select BZGX_ID as ID, BZGX_CODE as CODE,CONCAT(BZGX_NAME,'--',isnull(GZZX_NAME,'')) as NAME from BZGX left join GZZX on GZZX_ID = BZGX_GZZXID where isnull(BZGX_TYBZ,'N')='N' and BZGX_GXLX = 'JY' order by BZGX_CODE","",""),