Commit 2bad7f9b authored by 李苏's avatar 李苏 💬


parent 860e4bf7
style="height: 100%"
<BasePage @getRow="getRow" :power="power" class="min_full" style="height: 100%" :config="config">
<template #dialog="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面额外弹框的插槽 ctx.pagePage来操作默认页面 -->
<template #toolbar="ctx">
<!-- <el-button @click="demo(ctx.basePage)" size='mini' type="primary">直接入库</el-button> -->
<el-button @click="llzjs(ctx.basePage)" size='mini' type="primary">领料组接收</el-button>
<!-- <ImportButton @success="()=>{
}" :url="'wms/ckgl/jhtz/import'" /> -->
......@@ -19,187 +13,204 @@
import Edit from "./edit.vue";
export default {
data() {
return {
power: {
add: true,
copy: false,
/* 手动控制删除 */
delButton: true,
/* 手动控制编辑按钮权限 */
editButton: true,
/* 是否渲染右侧操作按钮 */
operateButtons: true,
/* 是否开启工作流按钮 */
workFlow: false,
/* 表格开启选择,以及记住选择 */
showSelection: false,
saveSelected: false,
config: {
queryDetail: true,
/* 基本配置*/
url: "lxyl/ckgl/ubldj",
tableTitle: [
title: "状态",
field: "zt",
width: 80,
transform: {
"url": "lxyl/ckgl/ubldj/init/zt",
"label": "name",
"value": "id"
title: "备料单号",
field: "djid",
width: 140,
title: "业务日期",
field: "ywrq",
fieldType: "ftDate",
title: "仓库编码",
field: "ckCode",
width: 140,
title: "仓库",
field: "ckName",
width: 140,
title: "容器",
field: "rqCode",
width: 140,
title: "库位",
field: "kwName",
width: 140,
title: "出库单号",
field: "lydjDjid",
width: 140,
// {
// title: "责任人",
// field: "fzrName",
// width:80
// },
title: "维护人",
field: "whr",
width: 160,
title: "维护时间",
field: "whsj",
fieldType: "ftDateTime",
queryParams: [
import Edit from "./edit.vue";
export default {
data() {
return {
power: {
add: true,
copy: false,
/* 手动控制删除 */
delButton: true,
/* 手动控制编辑按钮权限 */
editButton: true,
/* 是否渲染右侧操作按钮 */
operateButtons: true,
/* 是否开启工作流按钮 */
workFlow: false,
/* 表格开启选择,以及记住选择 */
showSelection: false,
saveSelected: false,
config: {
queryDetail: true,
/* 基本配置*/
url: "lxyl/ckgl/ubldj",
tableTitle: [{
title: "状态",
field: "zt",
width: 80,
transform: {
"url": "lxyl/ckgl/ubldj/init/zt",
"label": "name",
"value": "id"
label: "日期",
startProp: "start",
endProp: "end",
span: 8,
type: "RelDaterangeV2",
startValue: new Date().getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
endValue: new Date().getTime(),
title: "备料单号",
field: "djid",
width: 140,
label: "备料单号",
prop: "djid",
span: 4,
type: "input",
value: "",
title: "业务日期",
field: "ywrq",
fieldType: "ftDate",
label: "仓库",
prop: "ckid",
span: 4,
type: "RelSelect",
value: "",
typeConfig: {
src: "jcsj/common/ck/queryCkid",
match: {
value: "id",
label: "name",
title: "仓库编码",
field: "ckCode",
width: 140,
title: "仓库",
field: "ckName",
width: 140,
label: "拣货单号",
prop: "jhtzDjid",
span: 4,
type: "input",
value: "",
title: "容器",
field: "rqCode",
width: 140,
label: "出库单号",
prop: "cktzDjid",
span: 4,
type: "input",
value: "",
title: "库位",
field: "kwName",
width: 140,
title: "出库单号",
field: "lydjDjid",
width: 140,
// {
// "label": "库区",
// "prop": "kqid",
// "span": 4,
// "type": "RelSelect",
// "value": "",
// "typeConfig": {
// linkParams:['ckid'],
// linkage:true,
// "src": "wms/jcsj/kq/query",
// "match": {
// "value": "id",
// "label": "name"
// }
// }
// title: "责任人",
// field: "fzrName",
// width:80
// },
label: "状态",
prop: "zt",
span: 4,
type: "RelSelect",
typeConfig: {
src: "lxyl/ckgl/ubldj/init/zt",
title: "维护人",
field: "whr",
width: 160,
label: "责任人",
prop: "zrrInfo",
span: 4,
type: "input",
value: "",
title: "维护时间",
field: "whsj",
fieldType: "ftDateTime",
/* 默认启停用 */
queryParams: [
label: "日期",
startProp: "start",
endProp: "end",
span: 8,
type: "RelDaterangeV2",
startValue: new Date().getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
endValue: new Date().getTime(),
label: "备料单号",
prop: "djid",
span: 4,
type: "input",
value: "",
label: "仓库",
prop: "ckid",
span: 4,
type: "RelSelect",
value: "",
typeConfig: {
src: "jcsj/common/ck/queryCkid",
match: {
value: "id",
label: "name",
label: "拣货单号",
prop: "jhtzDjid",
span: 4,
type: "input",
value: "",
label: "出库单号",
prop: "cktzDjid",
span: 4,
type: "input",
value: "",
// {
// "label": "库区",
// "prop": "kqid",
// "span": 4,
// "type": "RelSelect",
// "value": "",
// "typeConfig": {
// linkParams:['ckid'],
// linkage:true,
// "src": "wms/jcsj/kq/query",
// "match": {
// "value": "id",
// "label": "name"
// }
// }
// },
label: "状态",
prop: "zt",
span: 4,
type: "RelSelect",
typeConfig: {
src: "lxyl/ckgl/ubldj/init/zt",
label: "责任人",
prop: "zrrInfo",
span: 4,
type: "input",
value: "",
/* 默认启停用 */
methods: {
llzjs(ctx) {
if (ctx.singleItem && {
this.$confirm('是否继续该操作?', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning'
}).then(res => {
this.$post('lxyl/ckgl/ubldj/llck', {
}).then(res => {
if (res.success) {
} else {
getRow(val) {
this.$emit("getRow", val);
methods: {
getRow(val) {
this.$emit("getRow", val);
components: {
components: {
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