Commit ab43c3f5 authored by 李苏's avatar 李苏 💬

设备部分 queryParams

parent 08860671
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -53,18 +53,15 @@
/* 引入需要的接口*/
import {
} from "common/src/api/system/dmgSystem.js";
} from '@/api/equipment/sbxx.js';
/* edit页面*/
import Edit from './edit'
import {
......@@ -87,7 +84,7 @@
type: '',
DialogTitle: '',
/* 基础url*/
baseUrl: 'kzzx/role',
baseUrl: '/aqgl/sbxx',
/* 查询参数*/
queryParams: {
ksrq: '',
......@@ -95,89 +92,107 @@
/* 表格标题对应参数*/
tableTitle: [
prop: 'whsj',
label: '系统名称',
prop: 'whsj',
label: '仪器名称',
prop: 'whr',
label: '型号',
width: '100'
prop: 'whr',
label: '计量单位',
width: '100'
prop: 'whr',
label: '数量',
width: '100'
prop: 'whr',
label: '启用日期',
width: '100'
prop: 'whr',
label: '使用状态',
width: '100'
prop: 'whr',
label: '使用地点',
width: '100'
prop: 'whr',
label: '生产厂家',
width: '100'
// {label: "设备编码", prop: "code", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "档案编号", prop: "dabh", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "系统分类", prop: "xtflName", fieldType: "ftString",width:48},
// {label: "设备分类", prop: "sbflName", fieldType: "ftString",width:96},
{label: "名称", prop: "name", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
{label: "制造商", prop: "productor", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
{label: "型号", prop: "model", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "出厂编号", prop: "serialno", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
{label: "计量单位", prop: "jldw", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
{label: "启用日期", prop: "qyrq", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
/* {label: "停用日期", prop: "tyrq", fieldType: "ftDateTime"}, */
{label: "使用状态", prop: "tybzName", fieldType: "ftString",width:80},
{label: "使用地点", prop: "sydd", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "用途", prop: "yt", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
{label: "数量", prop: "sl", fieldType: "int"},
// {label: "出厂日期", prop: "ccrq", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
// {label: "系统分类", prop: "xtfl", fieldType: "ftString",width:48},
// {label: "工作级别", prop: "gzjb", fieldType: "ftString",width:180},
// {label: "跨度", prop: "kd", fieldType: "ftString",width:180},
// {label: "提升速度", prop: "tssd", fieldType: "ftString",width:180},
// {label: "运行速度", prop: "yxsd", fieldType: "ftString",width:180},
// {label: "吨位", prop: "dw", fieldType: "float"},
// {label: "起升高度", prop: "qsgd", fieldType: "ftString",width:180},
// {label: "电机功率", prop: "djgl", fieldType: "ftString",width:180},
// {label: "安装日期", prop: "azrq", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
// {label: "安装地点", prop: "azdd", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "安装单位", prop: "azdw", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "注册编号", prop: "zcbh", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "检验报告编号", prop: "jybgbh", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "检验周期", prop: "jyzq", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "上次检验日期", prop: "scjyrq", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
// {label: "下次检验日期", prop: "xcjyrq", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
// {label: "检验前自检结论", prop: "jyqzjjl", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "实际检验日期", prop: "sjjyrq", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
// {label: "特检机构检验结论", prop: "tjjgjyjl", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "检验整改情况", prop: "jyzgqk", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "设备升级", prop: "sbsj", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "设备资料", prop: "sbzl", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "设备资料存放地点", prop: "sbzldd", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "未检原因", prop: "wjyy", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
{label: "系统名称", prop: "xtmc", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "参数及量程", prop: "cslc", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "监测因子", prop: "jcyz", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "类型", prop: "lx", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "主体材质", prop: "ztcz", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "容器容积", prop: "rqrj", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "容器净重", prop: "rqjz", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "设计压力", prop: "sjyl", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "设计温度", prop: "sjwd", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "最高压力", prop: "zgyl", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "耐压试验压力", prop: "nysyyl", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "管径与壁厚", prop: "gjbh", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "管道级别", prop: "gdjb", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "管道起点", prop: "gdqd", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "管道终点", prop: "gdzd", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "压力", prop: "yl", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "铺设方式", prop: "psfs", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "工作温度", prop: "gzwd", fieldType: "ftString",width:60},
// {label: "工作压力", prop: "gzyl", fieldType: "ftString",width:60},
// {label: "输送介质", prop: "ssjz", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "焊口数量", prop: "hksl", fieldType: "int"},
// {label: "保温", prop: "bw", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "防腐方式", prop: "fffs", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "标识", prop: "bs", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "公称通径", prop: "gctj", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "产品编号", prop: "cpbh", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "整定压力", prop: "zdyl", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "层站", prop: "dtcz", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "载重", prop: "dtzz", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "提升高度", prop: "dttsgd", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "运行速度", prop: "dtyxsd", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "车牌号", prop: "cph", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "发动机型号", prop: "fdjxh", fieldType: "ftString",width:240},
// {label: "发动机编号", prop: "fdjbh", fieldType: "ftString",width:240},
// {label: "底盘车架号", prop: "dpcjh", fieldType: "ftString",width:240},
// {label: "拍照选项", prop: "pzxx", fieldType: "ftString",width:60},
// {label: "附件数", prop: "attachcount", fieldType: "int"},
// {label: "备注", prop: "bz", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "维护人", prop: "whr", fieldType: "ftString"},
// {label: "维护时间", prop: "whsj", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
// {label: "创建人", prop: "cjr", fieldType: "ftString"},
// {label: "创建时间", prop: "cjsj", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
// {label: "是否已入档", prop: "docName", fieldType: "ftString",width:300}
methods: {
/* 基础查询*/
query: QueryKzzxRole,
query: doQuery,
/* 基础增*/
apiAdd: AddKzzxRole,
apiAdd: doAdd,
/* 基础更新*/
apiUpdate: UpdateKzzxRole,
apiUpdate: doUpdate,
/* 删除操作*/
apiDelete: DeleteKzzxRole,
apiDelete: doDelete,
/* 初始化赋值操作*/
init() {
/* 启用停用*/
setEnable(id) {
this.$confirm('是否启用/停用该角色, 是否继续?', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning'
}).then(() => {
let params = {
id: id
QtKzzxRole(params).then(res => {
if (res.success) {
} else {
this.$error(res.message || '操作失败')
......@@ -187,8 +202,9 @@
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<style scoped>
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -53,18 +53,15 @@
/* 引入需要的接口*/
import {
} from "common/src/api/system/dmgSystem.js";
} from '@/api/equipment/sbxx.js';
/* edit页面*/
import Edit from './edit'
import {
......@@ -87,7 +84,7 @@
type: '',
DialogTitle: '',
/* 基础url*/
baseUrl: 'kzzx/role',
baseUrl: '/aqgl/sbxx',
/* 查询参数*/
queryParams: {
ksrq: '',
......@@ -95,99 +92,107 @@
/* 表格标题对应参数*/
tableTitle: [
prop: 'whsj',
label: '编号',
prop: 'whsj',
label: '名称',
prop: 'whr',
label: '安装位置',
width: '100'
prop: 'whr',
label: '使用状态',
width: '100'
prop: 'whr',
label: '检查周期',
width: '100'
prop: 'whr',
label: '检查频次',
width: '100'
prop: 'whr',
label: '检查人岗位',
width: '100'
prop: 'whr',
label: '参数',
width: '100'
prop: 'whr',
label: '用途',
width: '100'
prop: 'whr',
label: '下次检查日期',
width: '100'
prop: 'whr',
label: '拍照选项',
width: '100'
{label: "设备编码", prop: "code", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
{label: "档案编号", prop: "dabh", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "系统分类", prop: "xtflName", fieldType: "ftString",width:48},
// {label: "设备分类", prop: "sbflName", fieldType: "ftString",width:96},
{label: "名称", prop: "name", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "制造商", prop: "productor", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "型号", prop: "model", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "出厂编号", prop: "serialno", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "计量单位", prop: "jldw", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "启用日期", prop: "qyrq", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
/* {label: "停用日期", prop: "tyrq", fieldType: "ftDateTime"}, */
{label: "使用状态", prop: "tybzName", fieldType: "ftString",width:80},
// {label: "使用地点", prop: "sydd", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
{label: "用途", prop: "yt", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "数量", prop: "sl", fieldType: "int"},
// {label: "出厂日期", prop: "ccrq", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
// {label: "系统分类", prop: "xtfl", fieldType: "ftString",width:48},
// {label: "工作级别", prop: "gzjb", fieldType: "ftString",width:180},
// {label: "跨度", prop: "kd", fieldType: "ftString",width:180},
// {label: "提升速度", prop: "tssd", fieldType: "ftString",width:180},
// {label: "运行速度", prop: "yxsd", fieldType: "ftString",width:180},
// {label: "吨位", prop: "dw", fieldType: "float"},
// {label: "起升高度", prop: "qsgd", fieldType: "ftString",width:180},
// {label: "电机功率", prop: "djgl", fieldType: "ftString",width:180},
// {label: "安装日期", prop: "azrq", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
{label: "安装地点", prop: "azdd", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "安装单位", prop: "azdw", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "注册编号", prop: "zcbh", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "检验报告编号", prop: "jybgbh", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
{label: "检验周期", prop: "jyzq", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "上次检验日期", prop: "scjyrq", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
{label: "下次检验日期", prop: "xcjyrq", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
// {label: "检验前自检结论", prop: "jyqzjjl", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "实际检验日期", prop: "sjjyrq", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
// {label: "特检机构检验结论", prop: "tjjgjyjl", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "检验整改情况", prop: "jyzgqk", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "设备升级", prop: "sbsj", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "设备资料", prop: "sbzl", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "设备资料存放地点", prop: "sbzldd", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "未检原因", prop: "wjyy", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "系统名称", prop: "xtmc", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
{label: "参数及量程", prop: "cslc", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "监测因子", prop: "jcyz", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "类型", prop: "lx", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "主体材质", prop: "ztcz", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "容器容积", prop: "rqrj", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "容器净重", prop: "rqjz", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "设计压力", prop: "sjyl", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "设计温度", prop: "sjwd", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "最高压力", prop: "zgyl", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "耐压试验压力", prop: "nysyyl", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "管径与壁厚", prop: "gjbh", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "管道级别", prop: "gdjb", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "管道起点", prop: "gdqd", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "管道终点", prop: "gdzd", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "压力", prop: "yl", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "铺设方式", prop: "psfs", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "工作温度", prop: "gzwd", fieldType: "ftString",width:60},
// {label: "工作压力", prop: "gzyl", fieldType: "ftString",width:60},
// {label: "输送介质", prop: "ssjz", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "焊口数量", prop: "hksl", fieldType: "int"},
// {label: "保温", prop: "bw", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "防腐方式", prop: "fffs", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "标识", prop: "bs", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "公称通径", prop: "gctj", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "产品编号", prop: "cpbh", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "整定压力", prop: "zdyl", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "层站", prop: "dtcz", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "载重", prop: "dtzz", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "提升高度", prop: "dttsgd", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "运行速度", prop: "dtyxsd", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "车牌号", prop: "cph", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
// {label: "发动机型号", prop: "fdjxh", fieldType: "ftString",width:240},
// {label: "发动机编号", prop: "fdjbh", fieldType: "ftString",width:240},
// {label: "底盘车架号", prop: "dpcjh", fieldType: "ftString",width:240},
{label: "拍照选项", prop: "pzxx", fieldType: "ftString",width:60},
// {label: "附件数", prop: "attachcount", fieldType: "int"},
{label: "备注", prop: "bz", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
// {label: "维护人", prop: "whr", fieldType: "ftString"},
// {label: "维护时间", prop: "whsj", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
// {label: "创建人", prop: "cjr", fieldType: "ftString"},
// {label: "创建时间", prop: "cjsj", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
// {label: "是否已入档", prop: "docName", fieldType: "ftString",width:300}
methods: {
/* 基础查询*/
query: QueryKzzxRole,
query: doQuery,
/* 基础增*/
apiAdd: AddKzzxRole,
apiAdd: doAdd,
/* 基础更新*/
apiUpdate: UpdateKzzxRole,
apiUpdate: doUpdate,
/* 删除操作*/
apiDelete: DeleteKzzxRole,
apiDelete: doDelete,
/* 初始化赋值操作*/
init() {
/* 启用停用*/
setEnable(id) {
this.$confirm('是否启用/停用该角色, 是否继续?', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
type: 'warning'
}).then(() => {
let params = {
id: id
QtKzzxRole(params).then(res => {
if (res.success) {
} else {
this.$error(res.message || '操作失败')
......@@ -197,8 +202,9 @@
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