Commit 5e250964 authored by 李苏's avatar 李苏 💬

基础数据调整,webpack 配置source-map

parent 0a8b576d
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"license": "MIT",
"scripts": {
"clear": "rmdir /s/q node_modules",
"serve": "node init && vue-cli-service serve",
"serve": "node init && vue-cli-service serve --source-map",
"devbuild": "vue-cli-service build --mode development",
"build": "vue-cli-service build",
"build:report": "vue-cli-service build --report",
......@@ -131,34 +131,18 @@ export const powerRoutes=[
path: "rqfl",
erpComponent: false,
component: 'ccgl/jcsj/wlzwh/index',
component: 'ccgl/jcsj/hjwh/index',
hidden: false,
meta: {
"title": "物料组维护",
"title": "货架维护",
"icon": "",
"noCache": false,
"link": null,
"mkid": 920010600,
name: 'wlzwh',
path: "wlzwh",
name: 'hjwh',
path: "hjwh",
erpComponent: false,
component: 'ccgl/jcsj/cgywh/index',
hidden: false,
meta: {
"title": "仓管员",
"icon": "",
"noCache": false,
"link": null,
name: 'cgywh',
path: "cgywh",
erpComponent: true,
component: 'ccgl/jcsj/bcgl/index',
......@@ -173,6 +157,7 @@ export const powerRoutes=[
name: 'bcgl',
path: "bcgl",
erpComponent: true,
component: 'ccgl/jcsj/pcsxsz/index',
......@@ -201,6 +186,34 @@ export const powerRoutes=[
name: 'wlxx',
path: "wlxx",
erpComponent: false,
component: 'ccgl/jcsj/wlzwh/index',
hidden: false,
meta: {
"title": "物料组维护",
"icon": "",
"noCache": false,
"link": null,
name: 'wlzwh',
path: "wlzwh",
erpComponent: false,
component: 'ccgl/jcsj/cgywh/index',
hidden: false,
meta: {
"title": "仓管员",
"icon": "",
"noCache": false,
"link": null,
name: 'cgywh',
path: "cgywh",
erpComponent: false,
component: 'ccgl/jcsj/swlx/index',
......@@ -215,6 +228,21 @@ export const powerRoutes=[
name: 'swlx',
path: "swlx",
erpComponent: false,
component: 'ccgl/jcsj/hz/index',
hidden: false,
meta: {
"title": "货主",
"icon": "",
"noCache": false,
"link": null,
name: 'hz',
path: "hz",
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import vue from 'vue'
import commonList from "common/src/commonList"
import erpList from "common/src/erpList"
/* 过滤mkid相同的定制路由 */
import filterRoutes from '@/router/filterRoutes.js'
const permission = {
......@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ const permission = {
function filter (data) {
var newData = data.filter(
let hasMkid=false
......@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
<RelDialog width="50%" :type='type' :editApp='editApp' :app='app' :buttonApp='buttonApp'>
<el-form slot="form" ref="form" :model="form" label-width="100px" :rules="rules">
<el-row :gutter="20" :app="this">
<EditColItem :required="item.required||false" :readonly="item.readonly?true:false " v-for="(item,index) in editColItemList " :value="item.value" :span="item.span" :label="item.label" :prop='item.prop' :key="item.prop" :type="item.type" :typeConfig='item.typeConfig' :rule="item.rule" />
<EditColItem :required="item.required||false" :readonly="item.readonly?true:false "
v-for="(item,index) in editColItemList " :value="item.value" :span="item.span" :label="item.label"
:prop='item.prop' :key="item.prop" :type="item.type" :typeConfig='item.typeConfig' :rule="item.rule" />
import {
} from 'common'
......@@ -17,27 +18,54 @@
data() {
return {
editColItemList: [
label: '货主',
prop: 'hzid',
span: 12,
required: true,
type: 'AuxInput',
typeConfig: {
isRequest: true,
code: 'HZID',
label: 'hzName',
transform: {
value: 'id',
label: 'name'
label: '物料组',
prop: 'wlzid',
span: 12,
required: true,
type: 'AuxInput',
typeConfig: {
isRequest: true,
code: 'WLZID',
label: 'wlzName',
transform: {
value: 'id',
label: 'name'
label: '货主',
prop: 'hzid',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
label: '物料组',
prop: 'wlzid',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
label: '负责人',
prop: 'fzrid',
span: 24,
type: 'input'
label: '负责人',
prop: 'fzrid',
span: 12,
type: 'AuxInput',
typeConfig: {
code: 'USER',
label: 'jhrName',
transform: {
value: 'id',
label: 'username'
"required": true,
<DefaultDialog :app='app'>
<div slot="form" style="display: flex;height: 70vh;">
<div slot="reFooter" class="refooter" >
<span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer" >
<el-button @click="app.showDialog=false">取 消</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="save()">保 存</el-button>
export default {
props: {
app: {
type: Object,
default: ()=>{
return {}
async mounted() {
data() {
return {
methods: {
<style scoped>
<RelDialog width="50%" :type='type' :editApp='editApp' :app='app' :buttonApp='buttonApp'>
<el-form slot="form" ref="form" :model="form" label-width="100px" :rules="rules">
<el-row :gutter="20" :app="this">
<EditColItem :required="item.required||false" :readonly="item.readonly?true:false "
v-for="(item,index) in editColItemList " :value="item.value" :span="item.span" :label="item.label"
:prop='item.prop' :key="item.prop" :type="item.type" :typeConfig='item.typeConfig' :rule="item.rule" />
import {
} from 'common'
export default {
mixins: [editMixin],
data() {
return {
editColItemList: [
label: '编码',
prop: 'code',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
required: true,
label: '名称',
prop: 'name',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
required: true,
// {
// label: '上货点X',
// prop: 'shx',
// span: 8,
// type: 'input',
// required: true,
// },
// {
// label: '上货点Y',
// prop: 'shy',
// span: 8,
// type: 'input',
// required: true,
// },
// {
// label: '上货点Z',
// prop: 'shz',
// span: 8,
// type: 'input',
// required: true,
// },
// {
// label: '下货点X',
// prop: 'xhx',
// span: 8,
// type: 'input',
// required: true,
// },
// {
// label: '下货点Y',
// prop: 'xhy',
// span: 8,
// type: 'input',
// required: true,
// },
// {
// label: '下货点Z',
// prop: 'xhz',
// span: 8,
// type: 'input',
// required: true,
// },
// {
// label: '上货策略',
// prop: 'shclid',
// span: 12,
// type: 'input',
// required: true,
// },
// {
// label: '下货策略',
// prop: 'xhclid',
// span: 12,
// type: 'input',
// required: true,
// },
"label": "仓库",
"prop": "ckid",
"span": 6,
"type": "RelSelect",
"value": "",
"typeConfig": {
"src": "jcsj/common/ck/queryCkid",
"match": {
"value": "id",
"label": "name"
// {
// label: '备注',
// prop: 'bz',
// span: 18,
// type: 'input'
// },
<BasePage class="min_full" :config="config">
<template #dialog="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面额外弹框的插槽 ctx.pagePage来操作默认页面 -->
<template #toolbar="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面工具栏的插槽 ctx.pagePage来操作默认页面 -->
<!-- <el-button @click="demo(ctx.basePage)" size='mini' type="primary">示例按钮</el-button> -->
import Edit from './edit.vue'
export default {
data() {
return {
config: {
/* 基本配置*/
url: 'lxyl/jcsj/hj',
tableTitle: [
title: "仓库",
field: "ckName",
width: 200
title: "编码",
field: "code",
fieldType: "upper",
width: 200
title: "名称",
field: "name",
width: 200
// {
// title: "上货点X",
// field: "shx",
// width: 140
// },
// {
// title: "上货点Y",
// field: "shy",
// width: 140
// },
// {
// title: "上货点Z",
// field: "shz",
// width: 140
// },
// {
// title: "下货点X",
// field: "xhz",
// width: 140
// },
// {
// title: "下货点Y",
// field: "xhy",
// width: 140
// },
// {
// title: "下货点Z",
// field: "xhz",
// width: 140
// },
// {
// title: "上货策略",
// field: "shclName",
// width: 140
// },
// {
// title: "下货策略",
// field: "xhclName",
// width: 140
// },
title: "停用",
field: "tybz",
fieldType: "tybz",
width: 200
title: "停用日期",
field: "tyrq",
fieldType: "ftDate",
width: 200
title: "维护人",
field: "whr",
width: 200
title: "维护时间",
field: "whsj",
fieldType: "ftDateTime",
width: 200
queryParams: [
label: '编码',
prop: 'hjCode',
span: 6,
type: 'input',
value: ''
// {
// label: '名称',
// prop: 'name',
// span: 6,
// type: 'input',
// value: ''
// }
/* 默认启停用 */
showqt: true,
// qtUrl:'',
/* 树的支持*/
// hasTree:false,
// treeTitle:'',
// treeDefaultProps: {
// children: 'children',
// label: 'name',
// fatherId: 'pid',
// sonId: 'id',
// rootName: "全部",
// rootId:'root'
// },
// treeQueryParams:{
// },
// treeUrl:''
methods: {
/* 示例*/
// demo(basePage){
// }
components: {
<DefaultDialog :app='app'>
<div slot="form" style="display: flex;height: 70vh;">
<div slot="reFooter" class="refooter" >
<span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer" >
<el-button @click="app.showDialog=false">取 消</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="save()">保 存</el-button>
export default {
props: {
app: {
type: Object,
default: ()=>{
return {}
async mounted() {
data() {
return {
methods: {
<style scoped>
<RelDialog width="50%" :type='type' :editApp='editApp' :app='app' :buttonApp='buttonApp'>
<el-form slot="form" ref="form" :model="form" label-width="100px" :rules="rules">
<el-row :gutter="20" :app="this">
<EditColItem :required="item.required||false" :readonly="item.readonly?true:false " v-for="(item,index) in editColItemList " :value="item.value" :span="item.span" :label="item.label" :prop='item.prop' :key="item.prop" :type="item.type" :typeConfig='item.typeConfig' :rule="item.rule" />
import {
} from 'common'
export default {
mixins: [editMixin],
data() {
return {
editColItemList: [
label: '编码',
prop: 'hzcode',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
label: '名称',
prop: 'hzname',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
label: '备注',
prop: 'bz',
span: 24,
type: 'input'
<BasePage class="min_full" :config="config">
<template #dialog="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面额外弹框的插槽 ctx.pagePage来操作默认页面 -->
<template #toolbar="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面工具栏的插槽 ctx.pagePage来操作默认页面 -->
<!-- <el-button @click="demo(ctx.basePage)" size='mini' type="primary">示例按钮</el-button> -->
import Edit from './edit.vue'
export default {
data() {
return {
config: {
/* 基本配置*/
url: 'lxyl/jcsj/uhz',
tableTitle: [{
title: "编码",
field: "hzcode",
fieldType: "upper",
width: 140
title: "名称",
field: "hzname",
width: 140
title: "备注",
field: "bz",
width: 200
title: "创建人",
field: "cjr",
width: 140
title: "创建时间",
field: "cjsj",
fieldType: 'ftDateTime',
width: 140
title: "维护人",
field: "whr",
width: 140
title: "维护时间",
field: "whsj",
fieldType: "ftDateTime"
queryParams: [
label: '编码',
prop: 'code',
span: 6,
type: 'input',
value: ''
label: '名称',
prop: 'name',
span: 6,
type: 'input',
value: ''
methods: {
/* 示例*/
// demo(basePage){
// }
components: {
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
span: 24,
type: 'input'
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
devtool: 'source-map',
name: name,
resolve: {
alias: {
......@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ module.exports = {
// .when(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
// config => config.devtool('cheap-source-map') // 公司项目一开始的配置,一开始源码映射调试是没问题的,不知从什么时候起就失效了 // 亲测无效
// config => config.devtool('eval-source-map') // 亲测可用
// config => config.devtool('source-map') // 亲测可用
config => config.devtool('source-map') // 亲测可用
// config => config.devtool('cheap-module-source-map') // 亲测可用
// config => config.devtool('cheap-module-eval-source-map') // 亲测可用(荐)
// )
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