Commit 9930e2fc authored by 李苏's avatar 李苏 💬


parent a29cdc5e
......@@ -213,6 +213,20 @@ export const powerRoutes = [
name: 'cgywh',
path: "cgywh",
erpComponent: true,
component: 'jcsj/wl/wlfl/index',
hidden: false,
meta: {
"title": "物料分类",
"icon": "",
"noCache": false,
"link": null,
"mkid": '920011200',
name: 'wlfl',
path: "wlfl",
erpComponent: false,
component: 'ccgl/jcsj/swlx/index',
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
type: 'AuxInput',
typeConfig: {
code: 'USER',
label: 'jhrName',
label: 'usersName',
transform: {
value: 'id',
label: 'username'
......@@ -19,18 +19,30 @@
config: {
/* 基本配置*/
url: 'lxyl/jcsj/ckglysz',
tableTitle: [{
tableTitle: [
title: "货主",
field: "hzName",
width: 140
title: "货主编码",
field: "hzCode",
width: 140
title: "物料组",
field: "wlzName",
width: 140
title: "物料组编码",
field: "wlzCode",
width: 140
title: "负责人",
field: "fzrName",
field: "usersName",
width: 140
......@@ -36,16 +36,16 @@
// field: "stationid",
// width: 140
// },
title: "工位状态",
field: "status",
width: 140,
"transform": {
"url": "lxyl/jcsj/ugw/init/status",
"label": "name",
"value": "id"
// {
// title: "工位状态",
// field: "status",
// width: 140,
// "transform": {
// "url": "lxyl/jcsj/ugw/init/status",
// "label": "name",
// "value": "id"
// }
// },
title: "工位别名",
field: "alias",
......@@ -22,14 +22,23 @@
tableTitle: [{
title: "工位",
field: "gwName",
fieldType: "upper",
width: 140
title: "工位编码",
field: "gwCode",
width: 140
title: "货架",
field: "hjName",
width: 140
title: "货架编码",
field: "hjCode",
width: 140
// {
// title: "状态",
// field: "zt",
......@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
<RelDialog width="50%" :type='type' :editApp='editApp' :app='app' :buttonApp='buttonApp'>
<el-form slot="form" ref="form" :model="form" label-width="100px" :rules="rules">
<el-row :gutter="20" :app="this">
<EditColItem :required="item.required||false" :readonly="item.readonly?true:false " v-for="(item,index) in editColItemList " :value="item.value" :span="item.span" :label="item.label" :prop='item.prop' :key="item.prop" :type="item.type" :typeConfig='item.typeConfig' :rule="item.rule" />
<EditColItem :required="item.required||false" :readonly="item.readonly?true:false "
v-for="(item,index) in editColItemList " :value="item.value" :span="item.span" :label="item.label"
:prop='item.prop' :key="item.prop" :type="item.type" :typeConfig='item.typeConfig' :rule="item.rule" />
import {
} from 'common'
......@@ -16,27 +17,43 @@
mixins: [editMixin],
data() {
return {
editColItemList: [
label: '物料组编码',
prop: 'code',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
label: '物料组名称',
prop: 'name',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
label: '备注',
prop: 'bz',
span: 24,
type: 'input'
editColItemList: [{
label: '物料组编码',
prop: 'code',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
required: true,
label: '物料组名称',
prop: 'name',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
required: true,
/* 库区*/
label: '库区',
prop: 'kqid',
span: 12,
required: true,
type: 'AuxInput',
typeConfig: {
isRequest: true,
code: 'KQID',
label: 'kqName',
transform: {
value: 'id',
label: 'name'
label: '备注',
prop: 'bz',
span: 24,
type: 'input'
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<el-row :gutter="20" class="search-row-1">
<el-col :span="6" class="search-col">
<div class="search-item">
<span class="search-span">条件:</span>
<span class="search-span">物料:</span>
<el-input v-model="queryParams.condition"></el-input>
......@@ -113,23 +113,23 @@
{title:"增值税率(%)",field:"zzsl", fieldType:"zzsl", width: 100},
let map={
return map[v]
let map={
return map[v]
{title:"缺省仓库",field:"ckname", width:120},
{title:"产品结构号",field:"bomcode", width:120},
{title:"工艺路线号",field:"gylxcode", width:120},
// {title:"单件管理",field:"djgl",width:80,formatter(a,b,v){
// let map={
// Y:'停用',
// N:'正常'
// }
// return map[v]
// }},
// {title:"产品条码规则",field:"coderulename",width:160},
// {title:"缺省仓库",field:"ckname", width:120},
// {title:"计划部门",field:"jhbmmc",width:120},
// {title:"产品结构号",field:"bomcode", width:120},
// {title:"工艺路线号",field:"gylxcode", width:120},
let map={
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