Commit dd46ce81 authored by 周毅's avatar 周毅


parent 516ef695
......@@ -44,6 +44,37 @@
url: 'wms/kcgl/kcpd/query/detail',
tableTitle: [
title: "下架状态",
field: "zt",
width: 100,
transform: {
"url": "lxyl/wcszy/init/zt",
"label": "name",
"value": "id"
title: "上架状态",
field: "sjzt",
width: 100,
transform: {
"url": "lxyl/wcszy/init/sjzt",
"label": "name",
"value": "id"
title: "容器",
field: "rqCode",
width: 160,
title: "唯一码",
field: "packCode",
width: 160,
title: "物料编码",
field: "wlxxCode",
......@@ -81,18 +112,6 @@
width: 120,
title: "容器",
field: "rqCode",
width: 160,
title: "唯一码",
field: "packCode",
width: 160,
title: "盘存数量",
field: "pcsl",
......@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
add: false,
copy: false,
/* 手动控制删除 */
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delButton: false,
/* 手动控制编辑按钮权限 */
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operateButtons: false,
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workFlow: false,
/* 表格开启选择,以及记住选择 */
......@@ -33,58 +33,58 @@
config: {
/* 基本配置*/
url: 'lxyl/uactivate',
tableTitle: [{
label: "单据号",
tableTitle: [
label: "交货单号",
prop: "djid",
fieldType: "ftString",
width: 120
label: "行项目",
prop: "xh",
fieldType: "int",
label: "事务类型",
prop: "swlxName",
fieldType: "ftString",
width: 100
label: "激活时间",
prop: "cjsj",
fieldType: "ftDateTime"
label: "仓库",
prop: "ckName",
width: 192
width: 120
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prop: "hzName",
width: 192,
width: 120,
label: "客户",
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fieldType: "ftString",
width: 192
label: "事务类型",
prop: "swlxName",
fieldType: "ftString",
width: 192
width: 160
label: "物料编码",
prop: "wlxxCode",
fieldType: "ftString",
width: 192
width: 120
label: "物料名称",
prop: "wlxxName",
fieldType: "ftString",
width: 240
label: "物料批号",
prop: "wlph",
fieldType: "ftString",
width: 240
label: "制令号",
prop: "zlh",
fieldType: "ftString",
width: 240
width: 140
label: "应发数量",
......@@ -92,7 +92,12 @@
fieldType: "float"
label: "实发数量",
label: "已反馈数量",
prop: "fchjhsl",
fieldType: "float"
label: "激活数量",
prop: "sfsl",
fieldType: "float"
......@@ -100,19 +105,19 @@
label: "卡板条码",
prop: "barcode",
fieldType: "ftString",
width: 300
width: 180
label: "外箱条码",
prop: "boxcode",
fieldType: "ftString",
width: 300
width: 180
label: "SN条码",
prop: "sncodebox",
fieldType: "ftString",
width: 300
width: 180
label: "备注",
......@@ -129,29 +134,56 @@
label: "维护时间",
prop: "whsj",
fieldType: "ftDateTime"
label: "创建人",
prop: "cjr",
fieldType: "ftString"
label: "创建时间",
prop: "cjsj",
fieldType: "ftDateTime"
queryParams: [
label: '名称',
prop: 'info',
[ {
label: "日期",
startProp: "start",
endProp: "end",
span: 7,
type: "RelDaterangeV2",
startValue: new Date().getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
endValue: new Date().getTime(),
label: "仓库",
prop: "ckid",
span: 6,
type: "RelSelect",
value: "",
typeConfig: {
src: "lxyl/common/ck/queryCkid",
match: {
value: "id",
label: "name",
label: '交货单号',
prop: 'djidInfo',
span: 5,
type: 'input',
value: ''
label: '客户',
prop: 'khInfo',
span: 6,
type: 'input',
value: ''
label: '物料',
prop: 'wlxxInfo',
span: 7,
type: 'input',
value: ''
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......@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@
import wlsx from 'common/src/mixin/wlsx.js'
import wlphsx from 'common/src/mixin/wlphsx.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
power: {
......@@ -32,32 +35,94 @@
config: {
/* 基本配置*/
url: 'lxyl/u_sofh_qd',
url: 'lxyl/usofhqd',
tableTitle: [
// {label: "销售交货单", prop: "xsjhdid", fieldType: "ftString",width:192},
{label: "销售交货单", prop: "vbeln", fieldType: "ftString",width:192},
{label: "唯一码", prop: "packCode", fieldType: "ftString",width:192},
{label: "物料编码", prop: "wlxxCode", fieldType: "ftString",width:192},
{label: "物料名称", prop: "wlxxName", fieldType: "ftString",width:192},
{label: "物料批号", prop: "wlph", fieldType: "ftString",width:240},
{label: "制令号", prop: "zlh", fieldType: "ftString",width:240},
{label: "数量", prop: "sl", fieldType: "float"},
{label: "维护人", prop: "whr", fieldType: "ftString"},
{label: "维护时间", prop: "whsj", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
{label: "创建人", prop: "cjr", fieldType: "ftString"},
{label: "创建时间", prop: "cjsj", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
{label: "销售交货单", prop: "vbeln", fieldType: "ftString",width:120},
{label: "行项目", prop: "posnr", fieldType: "int",width:60},
{label: "客户", prop: "khName", fieldType: "ftString", width:160},
{label: "工厂", prop: "hzName", fieldType: "ftString", width:140},
{label: "仓库", prop: "ckName", fieldType: "ftString", width:140},
{label: "装箱人", prop: "cjr", fieldType: "ftString"},
{label: "装箱时间", prop: "cjsj", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
{label: "唯一码", prop: "packCode", fieldType: "ftString",width:160},
{label: "物料编码", prop: "wlxxCode", fieldType: "ftString",width:140},
{label: "物料名称", prop: "wlxxName", fieldType: "ftString",width:180},
{label: "物料批号", prop: "wlph", fieldType: "ftString",width:160},
{label: "制令号", prop: "zlh", fieldType: "ftString",width:160},
{label: "交货单数量", prop: "lfimg", fieldType: "float"},
{label: "已装箱数量", prop: "zxsl", fieldType: "float"},
{label: "装箱数量", prop: "sl", fieldType: "float"},
{label: "维护人", prop: "whr", fieldType: "ftString",hidden:true},
{label: "维护时间", prop: "whsj", fieldType: "ftDateTime",hidden:true}
queryParams: [
label: '名称',
prop: 'info',
[ {
label: "日期",
startProp: "start",
endProp: "end",
span: 6,
type: "RelDaterangeV2",
startValue: new Date().getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
endValue: new Date().getTime(),
label: "仓库",
prop: "ckid",
span: 6,
type: "RelSelect",
value: "",
typeConfig: {
src: "lxyl/common/ck/queryCkid",
match: {
value: "id",
label: "name",
label: '交货单号',
prop: 'djid',
span: 6,
type: 'input',
value: ''
label: '客户',
prop: 'khInfo',
span: 6,
type: 'input',
value: ''
label: '物料',
prop: 'wlxxInfo',
span: 6,
type: 'input',
value: ''
label: '批号',
prop: 'wlph',
span: 6,
type: 'input',
value: ''
label: '制令号',
prop: 'zlh',
span: 6,
type: 'input',
value: ''
label: '唯一码',
prop: 'packCode',
span: 6,
type: 'input',
value: ''
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