Commit b323f37d authored by 李苏's avatar 李苏 💬


parent 2e9498cc
<div v-loading='!loading' element-loading-text="数据量较大请耐心等待" ref="lazyTree" class="full" style="position: relative;">
<!-- 拖动 的div-->
<div ref="move" class="move">
<div v-if="treeTitle" class="treeTitle" style="font-weight: 600;">
<div v-if="loading" class="treeBody">
<el-tree @node-collapse='handleNodeCollapse' :highlight-current='true' :load="loadNode" lazy :props="props"
:rootid='rootid' style="width: 100%;" @node-click="handleNodeClick" ref="tree">
export default {
props: {
/* 当没url时判定静态数据 */
staticData: {
default: () => []
/* cid id */
cid: {
default: 'sbxxTreeId'
/* pid 父节点id */
pid: {
default: 'pid'
/* 根 */
roodid: {
default: 'root'
/* 树结构数据查询 */
url: {
default: false
/* 查询参数 */
queryParams: {
default: () => {
return {}
/* 根节点id */
rootid: {
default: 'root'
/* el-tree props */
props: {
default: () => {
return {
label: 'name',
isLeaf: 'isLeaf'
/* 标题不填会隐藏 */
treeTitle: {
mounted() {
}).then(res => {
if (res.success) {
this.rootArray = || []
this.loading = true
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (this.$refs.tree.$children && this.$refs.tree.$children[0] && this.$refs
.tree.$children[0].$el) {
/* 配置move 信息 */
var resizableDiv = this.$refs.lazyTree.parentNode;
var resizableDiv2 = this.$refs.lazyTree;
const nextSibling = this.$refs.lazyTree.parentNode.nextSibling;
const oldWidth = parseFloat(
const oldWidth2 = parseFloat($(nextSibling).width())
var resizer = this.$refs.move;
var isResizing = false;
var lastX = 0;
resizer.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
isResizing = true;
lastX = e.clientX;
window.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) {
if (!isResizing) return;
var dx = e.clientX - lastX;
var newWidth = resizableDiv.offsetWidth + dx; = newWidth + 'px'; = newWidth + 'px';
lastX = e.clientX;
try {
$(nextSibling).width(oldWidth2 - (newWidth - oldWidth))
} catch (e) {
window.addEventListener('mouseup', function() {
isResizing = false;
/* try catch 抓去兄弟节点来改变宽度 */
data() {
return {
rootArray: [],
loading: false,
lastNode: null,
lastResolve: null,
nodeMap: {
resolveMap: {
methods: {
handleNodeCollapse(data, node, instance) {
if ( === 'root') {
this.$nextTick(() => {
node.expanded = true
handleNodeClick(data) {
this.$emit('selected', data)
loadLastNode() {
this.loadNode(this.lastNode, this.lastResolve)
loadAllNode() {
Object.keys(this.nodeMap).forEach(key => {
this.loadNode(this.nodeMap[key], this.resolveMap[key])
loadNode(node, resolve) {
if (node.level === 0) {
return resolve(this.rootArray);
} else {
const data =
this.$post('sbgl/usbxx/queryroot', {
}).then(res => {
if (res.success && node.level < 1) {
} else { => {
item.isLeaf = true
<style scoped>
.full {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column
.treeTitle {
height: 50px;
width: 100%;
border-bottom: 5px solid #eee;
text-align: center;
line-height: 50px;
font-size: 14px;
.treeBody {
padding-right: 5px;
flex: 1;
width: 100%;
overflow-y: scroll;
.treeBody::-webkit-scrollbar {
background-color: #000;
width: 0px;
.move {
height: 100%;
width: 5px;
cursor: e-resize;
position: absolute;
right: -5px;
top: 0;
z-index: 999;
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import plugins from './plugins' // plugins
import {App} from 'common'
/* 注册common */
import framework from "common"
import sbsLazyTree from "@/components/sbsLazyTree.vue"
/* 全局注册自身组件 */
......@@ -84,6 +85,8 @@ Vue.component('Editor', Editor)
Vue.component('FileUpload', FileUpload)
Vue.component('ImageUpload', ImageUpload)
Vue.component('ImagePreview', ImagePreview)
Vue.component('SbsLazyTree', sbsLazyTree)
<div class="full flex hastree" style="flex-direction: row;height: 140vh;border-top: 5px solid #eee;">
<div class="min_full" style="width: 380px;border: 0px;height: 140vh;">
<LazyTree treeTitle="设备信息树" ref="lazyTree" :props="{
<!-- <LazyTree treeTitle="设备信息树" ref="lazyTree" :props="{
label: 'name',
isLeaf: 'isLeaf'
}" cid='id' @selected='selectedTree' url='sbgl/usbxx/queryroot' />
}" cid='id' @selected='selectedTree' url='sbgl/usbxx/queryroot' /> -->
<SbsLazyTree @selected='selectedTree' />
<div class="min_full" style="width: calc(100% - 380px);border-top: 0px;height: 140vh;">
<div style="height:477px;width: 100%;">
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