Commit e66e2813 authored by 李苏's avatar 李苏 💬


parent 64fdf30c
......@@ -309,6 +309,48 @@ export const powerRoutes = [
name: 'glqwpdj',
path: "glqwpdj",
erpComponent: false,
component: 'ywxxgl/ywjdzb/index',
hidden: false,
meta: {
"title": "一回路异物季度指标",
"icon": "",
"noCache": false,
"link": null,
"mkid": '920050700',
name: 'ywjdzb',
path: "ywjdzb",
erpComponent: false,
component: 'ywxxgl/cneacpip/index',
hidden: false,
meta: {
"title": "CNEA CPIP季度指标",
"icon": "",
"noCache": false,
"link": null,
"mkid": '920050800',
name: 'cneacpip',
path: "cneacpip",
erpComponent: false,
component: 'ywxxgl/ywsjgl/index',
hidden: false,
meta: {
"title": "异物事件管理",
"icon": "",
"noCache": false,
"link": null,
"mkid": '920050940',
name: 'ywsjgl',
path: "ywsjgl",
<DefaultDialog :app='app'>
<div slot="form" style="display: flex;height: 70vh;">
<div slot="reFooter" class="refooter" >
<span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer" >
<el-button @click="app.showDialog=false">取 消</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="save()">保 存</el-button>
export default {
props: {
app: {
type: Object,
default: ()=>{
return {}
async mounted() {
data() {
return {
methods: {
<style scoped>
* @Description:生成基础baseEdit组件,屏蔽不必要细节
* @Author: lisu
* @Date: 2024-09-19 10:47:46
* @LastEditors: lisu
* @LastEditTime: 2024-10-28 16:12:48
* @FilePath: /zghywpc-vue/src/views/ywxxgl/cneacpip/edit.vue
<!-- prop 穿透赋值 -->
<BaseEdit v-bind="$attrs" :config='editConfig'>
<template #dialog="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面额外弹框的插槽 ctx.editPage来操作默认页面 -->
<template #toolbar="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面从表上方插槽 ctx.editPage来操作默认页面 -->
<!-- <el-button @click="demo(ctx.editPage)" size='mini' type="primary">示例按钮</el-button> -->
<!-- <AuxButton :dynamic='true' :queryParams="{
}" :component='Qxsj' rename='选择缺陷数据' code='dynamic' @save="saveQxsj" /> -->
export default {
data() {
return {
editConfig: {
/* 生成form表单 */
editColItemList: [{
label: '基础数据名称',
prop: 'name',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
required: true,
label: '统计周期',
prop: 'tjzq',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
value: '季'
label: '填报单元',
prop: 'tbdy',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
label: '填报频率',
prop: 'tbpl',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
"label": "填报部门",
"prop": "tbbmid",
"span": 12,
"type": "RelSelect",
"value": "",
"typeConfig": {
"src": "kzzx/bm/query",
"match": {
"value": "id",
"label": "bmmc"
label: '填报人员',
prop: 'tmryid',
span: 12,
type: 'AuxInput',
typeConfig: {
code: 'USER',
label: 'username',
transform: {
value: 'id',
label: 'username'
label: '年份',
prop: 'year',
span: 12,
type: 'year',
value: new Date().getFullYear(),
required: true,
label: '季度',
prop: 'quarter',
span: 12,
"type": "RelSelect",
"value": "",
"required": true,
"typeConfig": {
"src": "ywxxgl/uywjdzb/init/quarter",
"match": {
"value": "id",
"label": "name"
value: this.getQuarterFromTimestamp(new Date().getTime())
label: 'YJ-1-6(1)',
prop: 'valueone',
span: 8,
type: 'input',
label: 'YJ-1-6(2)',
prop: 'valuetwo',
span: 8,
type: 'input',
label: 'YJ-1-6(3)',
prop: 'valuethree',
span: 8,
type: 'input',
// {
// label: '备注',
// prop: 'bz',
// span: 24,
// type: 'input'
// },
/* 生成主从表,为空数组默认不展示 */
editTableTitle: [
/* 子表名,可选 同editTableTitle一起用*/
detailTable: ''
methods: {
getQuarterFromTimestamp(timestamp) {
const date = new Date(timestamp);
const month = date.getMonth(); // 月份从0开始,0表示1月,11表示12月
let quarter;
if (month >= 0 && month < 3) {
quarter = '1'; // 第1季度
} else if (month >= 3 && month < 6) {
quarter = '2'; // 第2季度
} else if (month >= 6 && month < 9) {
quarter = '3'; // 第3季度
} else {
quarter = '4'; // 第4季度
return quarter;
* @description:示例按钮
* @param {*} ctx操作edit实例内容
* @return {*}
* @author: lisu
// demo(ctx){}
<BasePage ref="basePage" class="min_full" :config="config">
<template #dialog="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面额外弹框的插槽 ctx.pagePage来操作默认页面 -->
<template #toolbar="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面工具栏的插槽 ctx.pagePage来操作默认页面 -->
<!-- <el-button @click="demo(ctx.basePage)" size='mini' type="primary">示例按钮</el-button> -->
import Edit from './edit.vue'
export default {
name: 'cneacpip',
data() {
let mList = this.getCurrentQuarterMonthsSimplified(new Date().getMonth())
let year = new Date().getFullYear()
mList.forEach((item, index) => {
mList[index] = `${year}-${item}`
return {
config: {
/* 基本配置*/
url: 'ywxxgl/ucneacpip',
tableTitle: [{
label: "基础数据名称",
prop: "name",
fieldType: "ftString",
width: 120
label: "统计周期",
prop: "tjzq",
width: 120,
title: "填报单元",
field: "tbdy",
width: 180
title: "填报频率",
field: "tbpl",
width: 180
label: "填报部门",
prop: "bmmc",
fieldType: "ftString",
width: 120
label: "填报人员",
prop: "username",
fieldType: "ftString",
width: 120
title: "年份",
field: "year",
width: 140
title: "季度",
field: "quarter",
width: 140,
"transform": {
"url": "ywxxgl/uywjdzb/init/quarter",
"label": "name",
"value": "id"
label: "备注信息",
prop: "bz",
fieldType: "ftString",
width: 300
label: "阳江核电站",
prop: "yjhdz",
fieldType: "ftString",
width: 300,
subtitle: [{
prop: '1',
label: mList[0],
width: 100,
subtitle: [{
prop: 'valueone',
label: 'YJ-1-6',
width: 100,
prop: '2',
label: mList[1],
width: 100,
subtitle: [{
prop: 'valuetwo',
label: 'YJ-1-6',
width: 100,
prop: '3',
label: mList[2],
width: 100,
subtitle: [{
prop: 'valuethree',
label: 'YJ-1-6',
width: 100,
queryParams: [
label: '年份',
prop: 'year',
span: 6,
type: 'year',
value: new Date().getFullYear(),
typeConfig: {
onChange: (e) => {
label: '季度',
prop: 'quarter',
span: 6,
type: 'RelSelect',
typeConfig: {
optionsData: [{
id: 1,
name: '第一季度'
id: 2,
name: '第二季度'
id: 3,
name: '第三季度'
id: 4,
name: '第四季度'
onChange: () => {
value: (() => {
const now = new Date();
const month = now
let quarter;
if (month >= 0 && month < 3) {
quarter = 1;
} else if (month >= 3 && month < 6) {
quarter = 2;
} else if (month >= 6 && month < 9) {
quarter = 3;
} else {
quarter = 4;
return quarter;
/* 默认启停用 */
methods: {
/* 示例*/
getCurrentQuarterMonthsSimplified(month) {
const quarterOffset = Math.floor(month / 3); // 直接计算季度偏移量
const startMonth = quarterOffset * 3 + 1; // 季度的起始月份(1-based)
const endMonth = startMonth + 2; // 季度的结束月份(对于非12月的情况)
// 特别处理12月的情况
if (month === 11) {
return ['10', '11', '12'];
return [startMonth, startMonth + 1, endMonth].map(m => m.toString().padStart(2, '0'));
changTabsub() {
let queryParams = this.$refs.basePage.queryParams
let year = queryParams.year
let quarter = queryParams.quarter
let mmap = {
1: [1, 2, 3],
2: [4, 5, 6],
3: [7, 8, 9],
4: [10, 11, 12]
let mList = mmap[quarter]
mList.forEach((item, index) => {
mList[index] = `${year}-${item}`
let list =this.$refs.basePage.$refs.TablePager.newGridList
components: {
<DefaultDialog :app='app'>
<div slot="form" style="display: flex;height: 70vh;">
<div slot="reFooter" class="refooter" >
<span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer" >
<el-button @click="app.showDialog=false">取 消</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="save()">保 存</el-button>
export default {
props: {
app: {
type: Object,
default: ()=>{
return {}
async mounted() {
data() {
return {
methods: {
<style scoped>
* @Description:生成基础baseEdit组件,屏蔽不必要细节
* @Author: lisu
* @Date: 2024-09-19 10:47:46
* @LastEditors: lisu
* @LastEditTime: 2024-10-28 16:12:39
* @FilePath: /zghywpc-vue/src/views/ywxxgl/ywjdzb/edit.vue
<!-- prop 穿透赋值 -->
<BaseEdit v-bind="$attrs" :config='editConfig'>
<template #dialog="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面额外弹框的插槽 ctx.editPage来操作默认页面 -->
<template #toolbar="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面从表上方插槽 ctx.editPage来操作默认页面 -->
<!-- <el-button @click="demo(ctx.editPage)" size='mini' type="primary">示例按钮</el-button> -->
<!-- <AuxButton :dynamic='true' :queryParams="{
}" :component='Qxsj' rename='选择缺陷数据' code='dynamic' @save="saveQxsj" /> -->
export default {
data() {
return {
editConfig: {
/* 生成form表单 */
editColItemList: [{
label: '核电厂',
prop: 'hdc',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
required: true,
label: '机组号',
prop: 'jzbm',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
label: '发现时间',
prop: 'fxsj',
span: 12,
type: 'datetime',
label: '通知单号',
prop: 'tzdh',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
label: '年份',
prop: 'year',
span: 12,
type: 'year',
value:new Date().getFullYear(),
required: true,
label: '季度',
prop: 'quarter',
span: 12,
"type": "RelSelect",
"value": "",
"required": true,
"typeConfig": {
id: 1,
name: '第一季度'
id: 2,
name: '第二季度'
id: 3,
name: '第三季度'
id: 4,
name: '第四季度'
"match": {
"value": "id",
"label": "name"
value:this.getQuarterFromTimestamp(new Date().getTime())
label: '事件概要',
prop: 'sjgy',
span: 24,
type: 'input',
label: '原因',
prop: 'yy',
span: 24,
type: 'input',
// {
// label: '备注',
// prop: 'bz',
// span: 24,
// type: 'input'
// },
/* 生成主从表,为空数组默认不展示 */
editTableTitle: [
// {
// title: "序号",
// field: "xh",
// width: 50,
// align: "center"
// },
// {
// title: "点检部位",
// field: "bw",
// width: 180,
// },
// {
// title: "点检项目",
// field: "project",
// width: 160
// },
// {
// title: "点检标准",
// field: "standard",
// width: 140
// },
/* 子表名,可选 同editTableTitle一起用*/
detailTable: ''
methods: {
getQuarterFromTimestamp(timestamp) {
const date = new Date(timestamp);
const month = date.getMonth(); // 月份从0开始,0表示1月,11表示12月
let quarter;
if (month >= 0 && month < 3) {
quarter = 1; // 第1季度
} else if (month >= 3 && month < 6) {
quarter = 2; // 第2季度
} else if (month >= 6 && month < 9) {
quarter = 3; // 第3季度
} else {
quarter = 4; // 第4季度
return quarter;
* @description:示例按钮
* @param {*} ctx操作edit实例内容
* @return {*}
* @author: lisu
// demo(ctx){}
* @Description: 生成基础basePage组件,屏蔽不必要细节
* @Author: lisu
* @Date: 2024-09-19 10:55:27
* @LastEditors: lisu
* @LastEditTime: 2024-10-28 14:18:07
* @FilePath: /zghywpc-vue/src/views/ywxxgl/ywjdzb/index.vue
<BasePage class="min_full" :config="config">
<template #dialog="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面额外弹框的插槽 ctx.pagePage来操作默认页面 -->
<template #toolbar="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面工具栏的插槽 ctx.pagePage来操作默认页面 -->
<!-- <el-button @click="demo(ctx.basePage)" size='mini' type="primary">示例按钮</el-button> -->
import Edit from './edit.vue'
export default {
name: 'cneacpip',
data() {
return {
config: {
/* 基本配置*/
url: 'ywxxgl/uywjdzb',
tableTitle: [{
title: "核电厂",
field: "hdc",
width: 140
title: "机组号",
field: "jzbm",
width: 140
title: "发现时间",
field: "fxsj",
width: 140,
fieldType: "ftDateTime"
title: "事件概要",
field: "sjgy",
width: 300
title: "原因",
field: "yy",
width: 300
title: "通知单号",
field: "tzdh",
width: 140
title: "年份",
field: "year",
width: 140
title: "季度",
field: "quarter",
width: 140,
"transform": {
"url": "ywxxgl/uywjdzb/init/quarter",
"label": "name",
"value": "id"
title: "维护人",
field: "whr"
title: "维护时间",
field: "whsj",
fieldType: "ftDateTime"
queryParams: [
label: '年份',
prop: 'year',
span: 6,
type: 'year',
value: ''
label: '季度',
prop: 'quarter',
span: 6,
type: 'RelSelect',
typeConfig: {
optionsData: [{
id: 1,
name: '第一季度'
id: 2,
name: '第二季度'
id: 3,
name: '第三季度'
id: 4,
name: '第四季度'
/* 默认启停用 */
methods: {
* @description:示例按钮
* @param {*} ctx操作basePage实例内容
* @return {*}
* @author: lisu
// demo(ctx){}
components: {
* @Description:生成基础baseEdit组件,屏蔽不必要细节
* @Author: lisu
* @Date: 2024-09-19 10:47:46
* @LastEditors: lisu
* @LastEditTime: 2024-10-28 15:56:40
* @FilePath: /zghywpc-vue/src/views/ywxxgl/ywsjgl/edit.vue
<!-- prop 穿透赋值 -->
<BaseEdit labelWidth='140px' v-bind="$attrs" :config='editConfig'>
<template #dialog="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面额外弹框的插槽 ctx.editPage来操作默认页面 -->
<template #toolbar="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面从表上方插槽 ctx.editPage来操作默认页面 -->
<!-- <el-button @click="demo(ctx.editPage)" size='mini' type="primary">示例按钮</el-button> -->
<!-- <AuxButton :dynamic='true' :queryParams="{
}" :component='Qxsj' rename='选择缺陷数据' code='dynamic' @save="saveQxsj" /> -->
export default {
data() {
return {
editConfig: {
/* 生成form表单 */
editColItemList: [{
label: '事件描述',
prop: 'sjms',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
required: true,
label: '异物发现时间',
prop: 'ywfxsj',
span: 12,
type: 'datetime',
label: '通知单号',
prop: 'tzdh',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
label: '分类',
prop: 'fl',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
label: '事件分级',
prop: 'sjfj',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
label: '是否关闭',
prop: 'sfgb',
span: 12,
type: 'checkbox',
label: '责任专业',
prop: 'zrzy',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
label: '期间',
prop: 'qj',
span: 12,
type: 'input',
label: '完整性',
prop: 'wzx',
span: 12,
type: 'checkbox',
label: 'IOE',
prop: 'ioe',
span: 12,
type: 'checkbox',
label: '是否一回路或二次侧',
prop: 'sfyhlhecc',
span: 12,
type: 'checkbox',
label: '异物事件单是否签字',
prop: 'ywsjdsfqz',
span: 12,
type: 'checkbox',
label: 'SAP任务是否关闭',
prop: 'saprwsfgb',
span: 12,
type: 'checkbox',
label: 'SAP通知单是否关闭',
prop: 'saptzdsfgb',
span: 12,
type: 'checkbox',
/* 生成主从表,为空数组默认不展示 */
editTableTitle: [
// {
// title: "序号",
// field: "xh",
// width: 50,
// align: "center"
// },
// {
// title: "点检部位",
// field: "bw",
// width: 180,
// },
// {
// title: "点检项目",
// field: "project",
// width: 160
// },
// {
// title: "点检标准",
// field: "standard",
// width: 140
// },
/* 子表名,可选 同editTableTitle一起用*/
detailTable: ''
methods: {
* @description:示例按钮
* @param {*} ctx操作edit实例内容
* @return {*}
* @author: lisu
// demo(ctx){}
* @Description: 生成基础basePage组件,屏蔽不必要细节
* @Author: lisu
* @Date: 2024-09-19 10:55:27
* @LastEditors: lisu
* @LastEditTime: 2024-10-28 15:31:25
* @FilePath: /zghywpc-vue/src/views/ywxxgl/ywsjgl/index.vue
<BasePage class="min_full" :config="config">
<template #dialog="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面额外弹框的插槽 ctx.pagePage来操作默认页面 -->
<template #toolbar="ctx">
<!-- 嵌入默认页面工具栏的插槽 ctx.pagePage来操作默认页面 -->
<!-- <el-button @click="demo(ctx.basePage)" size='mini' type="primary">示例按钮</el-button> -->
import Edit from './edit.vue'
export default {
name: 'ywsjgl',
data() {
return {
config: {
/* 基本配置*/
url: 'ywxxgl/uywsj',
tableTitle: [
{label: "事件描述", prop: "sjms", fieldType: "ftString",width:300},
{label: "异物发现时间", prop: "ywfxsj", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
{label: "通知单号", prop: "tzdh", fieldType: "ftString",width:192},
{label: "分类", prop: "fl", fieldType: "ftString",width:192},
{label: "事件分级", prop: "sjfj", fieldType: "int"},
{label: "是否关闭", prop: "sfgb", fieldType: "checkbox",width:60},
{label: "责任专业", prop: "zrzy", fieldType: "ftString",width:192},
{label: "期间", prop: "qj", fieldType: "ftString",width:192},
{label: "完整性", prop: "wzx", fieldType: "checkbox"},
{label: "IOE", prop: "ioe", fieldType: "checkbox"},
{label: "是否一回路或二次侧", prop: "sfyhlhecc", fieldType: "checkbox",width:200},
{label: "异物事件单是否签字", prop: "ywsjdsfqz", fieldType: "checkbox",width:200},
{label: "SAP任务是否关闭", prop: "saprwsfgb", fieldType: "checkbox",width:200},
{label: "SAP通知单是否关闭", prop: "saptzdsfgb", fieldType: "checkbox",width:200},
{label: "维护人", prop: "whr", fieldType: "ftString"},
{label: "维护时间", prop: "whsj", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
{label: "创建人", prop: "cjr", fieldType: "ftString"},
{label: "创建时间", prop: "cjsj", fieldType: "ftDateTime"},
queryParams: [
label: '编码',
prop: 'code',
span: 6,
type: 'input',
value: ''
label: '名称',
prop: 'name',
span: 6,
type: 'input',
value: ''
/* 默认启停用 */
methods: {
* @description:示例按钮
* @param {*} ctx操作basePage实例内容
* @return {*}
* @author: lisu
// demo(ctx){}
components: {
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